Helping You Understand the Equitable Distribution of Assets During a Divorce

Securing a comfortable future after a divorce is clearly on the mind of many who have separated from their spouses. You're uncertain, scared, and worried about your finances after you've split from your spouse. Iniguez Law Group, in New York City, has decades of experience in family law. We can provide answers and solutions to your specific situation.

New York is an equitable distribution state, leading courts to divide marital property in a fair manner. When dividing assets, judges consider many factors such as the income of each spouse and the length of the marriage. But the property accumulated before your marriage will always be yours.

Marital Property Gets Divided

In a divorce proceeding, only marital property is subject to being divided by courts or mediators. This is property acquired by either or both spouses during their marriage. Such property may include:

  • A house, real estate, and investment property
  • Retirement account assets from IRAs and 401(k) accounts
  • A co-owned business
  • Motor vehicles
  • Other investments such as stocks and bonds
  • Jewelry, collectibles, artwork

If you acquired these assets before your marriage, they remain yours. With more than 20 years of experience, our attorneys help you protect such assets. We understand family law.

Protecting Your Assets, Call Us Now

A divorce can lead to financial uncertainty for many. Manhattan-based Iniguez Law Group, will guide you and help you protect the separate property that you accumulated before the marriage. For a consultation, contact us or call.